Tag: goals

  • “There’s a time for everything”

    “There’s a time for everything”

    This quote apparently originally came from Ecclesiastes 3:1 in the bible: “There’s a time for everything that is done on Earth” Most interpretations of this line could be paraphrased in two words — “divine timing” I’d like to employ this line in a totally different way. I love optimizing my…

  • Buddhism versus a goal-oriented life

    Buddhism versus a goal-oriented life

    Buddhism versus a goal-oriented life Acceptance & Striving: Can’t we have both? I’m now 31 and I’m on a journey toward building the type of life I want. I realized very clearly this year that I am the only one who can take responsibility for my life. If I want…

  • 3 quick exercises to solidify a new habit forever

    3 quick exercises to solidify a new habit forever

    3 quick exercises to solidify a new habit forever For the first time in my life, I’m showing up to my daily & weekly goals EVERY time. These three exercises, which take ~5 minutes total, are why. Learn how to make habits that you’ll actually show up for. Why should…

  • 4 Mental Blocks that Keep Us from Doing Epic Things

    4 Mental Blocks that Keep Us from Doing Epic Things

    4 mental blocks that keep us from doing epic things (and how to overcome them) If you’re working on any kind of idea or project, I encourage you to devote a notebook or word doc to recording the process. Taking the time to reflect along the way is invaluable. I’m…