This is part of a monthly series on my substack publication to encourage reflection at the start of each zodiac season, around the 20th of each month. You will find these 4 questions insightful even with no prior knowledge of astrology

Is there something you’re working diligently & gradually toward right now that you won’t the results of for a long time? I’d love to hear!

Full Moon in Capricorn, conjunct Pluto, at the end of Cancer season at 6:17 AM* eastern time.

*It’s common to feel the effects of a new or full moon a few days before & after.

These prompts are meant to encourage gentle reflection and never self-judgment. Feel free to journal on your own or share reflections in the comments. What you share may be helpful to others (:

  • What is something I think I want (or was told or influenced to want) that doesn’t actually line up with my values and what I desire at the end of the day? For example, everyone around me wants to buy a house as soon as possible so I thought I should want that too. But there’s actually nothing about owning a house that lines up with what I want out of the next 5 years of my life, so I can gracefully let go of that for now… doesn’t matter how many people around me want it. Is there something you were taught to want, but find yourself internally resisting?
  • What is something I’m doing on a daily basis that is at odds with one or more of goals? Maybe you’re trying to be on your phone less, but you still pick up your phone first thing upon waking up. Or maybe you want to dial in your sleep schedule but you keep starting a movie at 10 PM. This is meant to bring awareness of how we allocate our time & energy in relation to our goals. How much of what I do every day is bringing me closer to who I want to be?
  • What do I need to accept about myself in order to move through the world with total integrity? The Pluto conjunction encourages us to travel to our psychic underworld. It seems like a scary place, but it’s actually where we will find many of our most precious gifts. Every one of us has something about us that we believe makes us unworthy or unlovable. If we have the courage to own these things as part of who we were and how we got to where we are now, we come into our own power. This is no small project, but it’s good to at least have awareness of it.
  • Where can I invest in something that will help me create the life I want? This doesn’t have to mean money, though it could be spending money to sign up for a Tai Chi class or a training that will bring you closer to the life you’re trying to create. An example of investing your time is committing to meet with your language tutor each week or adding a daily walk in after work. These things won’t “pay off” or bear fruit right away, but over time they will be so rewarding.


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