Category: Chinese medicine

  • What “holistic” ACTUALLY means

    What “holistic” ACTUALLY means

    What “holistic” ACTUALLY means I grew up in the United States where western medicine is the predominant medical system (some might think the only). Growing up here I learned that there is a 1-to-1 relationship between medicinals and the symptoms they treat (e.g. ibuprofen for headaches, valerian root for sleep,…

  • What Does a Chinese Medicine Practitioner Actually Do? Part I

    What Does a Chinese Medicine Practitioner Actually Do? Part I

    What does a Chinese medicine practitioner actually do? Part I Have you ever heard of someone getting “needled” for back pain, or seen someone with purplish bruise-like circles on their back? These people have seen a Chinese Medicine practitioner.  The first time I learned about Chinese medicine as a profession,…